
The GEMCY Token (GEMCY) is the foundation of the GEMCY platform, facilitating transactions, incentivizing certifiers, and enabling access to premium services. Below is a detailed breakdown of the GEMCY tokenomics, which supports the platform’s growth while providing significant benefits to token holders, particularly during the pre-sale phase.

Token Details

  • Campaign Token Price: 10.00 EUR
  • Circulating Supply: 8,000,000 GEMCY
  • Reserve: 800,000 GEMCY (8% APY)
  • Team & Marketing: 1,200,000 GEMCY
  • Total Supply: 10,000,000 GEMCY
  • Token Lock Duration: Minimum 12 months, maximum until the start of trading or platform launch.
  • Pre-Sale Bonus: 8% p.a.
  • Bonus Distribution: Monthly, automated distribution to users’ wallets, with pro-rata bonuses calculated for purchases made within a month.

Circulating Supply: 8,000,000 GEMCY

The circulating supply of 8,000,000 GEMCY tokens represents the actively traded portion of the total supply. These tokens will be available for transactions, trading, and participation in the GEMCY platform, allowing users to pay for services, make purchases, and access premium features.

  • Utility: These tokens drive activity on the platform, facilitating payments for luxury items, services, and rewards for certifiers.

Reserve: 800,000 GEMCY (8% APY)

GEMCY sets aside 800,000 GEMCY tokens in a reserve fund, which earns an 8% annual yield (APY) to ensure the long-term sustainability and growth of the platform. This reserve strengthens the platform’s financial stability and ensures liquidity.

  • Long-Term Security: This reserve ensures GEMCY can meet future liquidity needs, and the 8% APY provides a steady growth mechanism for the platform’s reserve fund.

Team & Marketing: 1,200,000 GEMCY

1,200,000 GEMCY tokens are allocated to support the team and fund marketing initiatives. This allocation ensures that the platform has sufficient resources for ongoing development, strategic partnerships, and global user acquisition.

  • Marketing Efforts: Part of these tokens will be used to fuel marketing campaigns aimed at increasing awareness, user acquisition, and platform adoption.
  • Team Incentives: A portion of these tokens is designated for the team’s long-term incentives, ensuring their ongoing commitment to the platform’s success.

Token Lock for Team Tokens

The tokens allocated to the team are locked for a minimum of 12 months and a maximum until the platform’s trading launch, ensuring that the team’s interests are aligned with the long-term success of GEMCY. This lock-up period prevents team members from selling tokens prematurely and helps maintain market stability.

  • Aligned Incentives: The lock ensures that the team is focused on the platform’s sustained growth before gaining access to their tokens.

Pre-Sale Bonus: 8% p.a.

During the pre-sale phase, investors benefit from an attractive 8% annual bonus on the tokens they purchase. This bonus is distributed monthly, providing consistent value to early supporters.

  • Monthly Bonus Distribution: The bonus is distributed automatically each month to the users’ wallets, making the process seamless and rewarding early adopters. Any purchases made within a given month are calculated on a pro-rata basis, ensuring fairness and transparency in bonus distribution.

Additional Benefits

Investors in the GEMCY pre-sale and token holders enjoy several key advantages, including:

  • Pre-Sale Bonus per Order: Users who participate in the pre-sale receive an 8% annual bonus, distributed monthly to their wallets.
  • Monthly Bonus Payouts: Bonuses are distributed automatically on a monthly basis, making the investment both rewarding and convenient.
  • Profit Split: As GEMCY continues to grow, users may benefit from profit-sharing opportunities within the platform, maximizing the long-term value of holding GEMCY tokens.
  • Ease of Use: The GEMCY platform is designed to be user-friendly, ensuring seamless participation for both experienced and new users alike.