Business model

GEMCY’s business model is designed to create a sustainable and scalable revenue stream by leveraging the platform’s unique capabilities in the luxury goods market. By focusing on transparency, trust, and value, GEMCY offers a secure marketplace for the buying and selling of luxury jewelry and watches, while generating revenue through multiple channels. Our business model is centered around transaction fees, certification fees, premium services, and additional blockchain-related fees, all of which contribute to the platform’s growth and profitability.

Transaction Fees

GEMCY charges a small transaction fee for each successful sale on the platform. This fee is a percentage of the total sale price and is applied once the buyer completes the purchase of a certified item. Transaction fees are one of the core revenue drivers, incentivizing a high volume of sales while keeping the cost to users manageable.

  • Scalability: As GEMCY expands its marketplace and user base, transaction fees will continue to grow, providing a scalable revenue stream that directly correlates with the platform’s success.
  • Transparent Pricing: The transaction fee structure is clearly communicated to both buyers and sellers, ensuring full transparency and building trust in GEMCY’s business model.

Certification Fees

To maintain the highest standards of authenticity and trust, GEMCY offers a robust certification process for all items listed on the platform. Jewelers and sellers pay a certification fee to have their luxury goods evaluated and certified by GEMCY’s expert team. This process includes molecular analysis, craftsmanship inspection, and blockchain-based certification, ensuring the item’s authenticity and quality.

  • Value-Added Service: Certification fees cover the costs of the expert evaluation and the issuance of a blockchain-backed certificate of authenticity, which increases the value of the item for both sellers and buyers.
  • Building Trust: By charging certification fees, GEMCY ensures that only high-quality, authentic items are listed on the marketplace, reinforcing the platform’s reputation as a trusted source for luxury goods.

Premium Services

In addition to basic listing and certification, GEMCY offers a suite of premium services aimed at enhancing the user experience for both buyers and sellers. These services include advanced market analysis, personalized recommendations, and data-driven insights, all of which are available for an additional fee.

  • Advanced Market Analysis: Premium users can access detailed market trends, pricing forecasts, and competitor analysis, giving them a competitive edge in the luxury goods market. This service is especially valuable for jewelers and high-end sellers looking to optimize their listings and pricing strategies.
  • Personalized Recommendations: Using AI and big data, GEMCY provides personalized recommendations to premium users, helping them identify the best items to buy or sell based on their preferences and market conditions.
  • Revenue from High-Value Users: Premium services cater to professional sellers and collectors who are willing to pay for additional insights and tools, generating a secondary revenue stream for GEMCY.

Blockchain Transaction Fees

As GEMCY continues to expand its VEVA blockchain, the platform plans to open its blockchain infrastructure to external users, allowing third-party businesses, jewelers, and luxury goods traders to utilize GEMCY’s blockchain for their own certification and transaction needs. For any third-party use of the VEVA blockchain, a transaction fee will be applied to each blockchain-based interaction.

  • VEVA Blockchain as a Service (BaaS): Third parties can utilize GEMCY’s blockchain to store and verify the authenticity and provenance of their luxury goods, creating a new revenue stream for GEMCY. This opens the door for various industries—such as art, collectibles, and other luxury goods—to access our secure, tamper-proof system.
  • Transaction Fees for Blockchain Usage: Every time a third-party user accesses or records data on the VEVA blockchain, a blockchain transaction fee is charged. This fee applies to certifying new items, transferring ownership, or retrieving data from the blockchain. As GEMCY’s blockchain becomes more widely adopted, these transaction fees will provide a significant and scalable revenue stream.
  • Global Blockchain Integration: By offering the VEVA blockchain to external users, GEMCY positions itself as a leader in blockchain-based certification beyond jewelry and watches, opening new revenue opportunities as various sectors adopt blockchain technology for authentication and secure transactions.